For 17 days, we will be sharing a glimpse into how the fashion and space industries engage with each of the 17 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) put forward by the United Nations.
In this third of the series, we examine goal number 3: Good Health and Well-being
Health has so much to do with our environment. From the day we come into the world, the air that we breathe and the nourishment we receive are foundations for our physical and mental development. Unfortunately, the fashion industry has created many negative health impacts for populations around the world, far from the consumers who purchase, wear, and discard the products contributing to those effects. We are fortunate that the technology is now available to interrupt that cycle, and now we need to match the opportunity with the will to change. The space industry offers tools to enforce those practices, if only by providing knowledge, data, and insight into strategic leverage points in that system.
While these lists aren’t comprehensive, the goal is to demonstrate the potential impact through shared efforts between the two industries, in addition to their potential impact independently. We would love to hear from you in the comments about other areas or opportunities you see or are working on.
Space Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, UNOOSA
How the United Nations’ SDGs Relate to the Fashion Industry, Remake
International Institute for Sustainable Development, SDG Knowledge Hub