For 17 days, we will be sharing a glimpse into how the fashion and space industries engage with each of the 17 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) put forward by the United Nations.
In this fourth of the series, we examine goal number 4: Quality Education
The foundation built by quality education, and the access to learning, directly benefits not only individuals and local communities but also the global community. Education is also a lifelong endeavor. From basic math and learning to read all the way through professional training or skill training later in life. Education does not have to come with fancy degrees. Learning how to read and write is one of the first steps for upward mobility in communities around the world. The promise of quality education is also understanding and empathy towards others. World-wide quality education is a global community that can come together and learn from each other as peers.
While these lists aren’t comprehensive, the goal is to demonstrate the potential impact through shared efforts between the two industries, in addition to their potential impact independently. We would love to hear from you in the comments about other areas or opportunities you see or are working on.
Space Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, UNOOSA
How the United Nations’ SDGs Relate to the Fashion Industry, Remake
International Institute for Sustainable Development, SDG Knowledge Hub